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Tiarella 'Running Tiger'
Tiarella ‘Running Tiger’ is always handsome.
Forming an evergreen mound of trident shaped leaves, distinguished by burgundy chevron markings in the centre of each leaf.
Then in spring and early summer the clump shoots up attractive spires of white, foamy flower stems lighting up shaded areas brilliantly.
‘Running Tiger’ is a prolific bloomer, always handsome and trouble free.
It makes a striking show of seasonal flowers, and permanently handsome foliage under trees, shrubs, roses or in shaded areas.
Plus provides excellent cut flowers.
Tiarella ‘Running Tiger’ is a low maintenance plant – tough, hardy, resilient, and long lived.
It is one of the most reliable shade lovers to withstand some periods of dry, and makes an excellent permanent groundcover.
Generally, pest and disease free, and untroubled by rabbits and deer.
30cm. High in bloom x 60cm. Wide evergreen foliage mound.
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