Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’
Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ makes a delightful Lavender to feature in a small garden or an important pot.
Eye-catching heads of deep purple with white wings
‘Pretty Polly’ has very distinctive flowers.
With plump, deep purple flowers, topped by long-lasting white wings and each wing defined by a green mid-rib.
While the foliage is also very attractive, making a dense shrub of long, pointed, silvery leaves.
Compact growth perfect for small gardens & pots
Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ has been especially bred for modern gardens.
With striking flowers, long-blooming, delicious aroma, and compact growth.
Making ‘Pretty Polly’ perfect for making a big impact in a small space or a pot.
Intense fragrance & rabbit resistant
Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ produces much more essential oil in the leaves and stems than many other Lavenders – so the fragrance is lovely.
But it also means rabbits and deer don’t like the whole plant - because of the intense taste of the essential oils - Perfect.
Our faithful bees and pollinators also love the flower heads for nectar.
Compact, easy growing bush
Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ makes an elegant garden shrub of compact, dense growth.
With a multi-branching, upright habit, and a dense crop of flower heads.
‘Pretty Polly’ flowers also retain bewitching fragrance and colour when dried, and keep on giving up scent for a very long time.
So, ‘Pretty Polly’ is very successful as a single specimen shrub, as a hedge, or in a decorative container.
GROWING: Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’
Height with flowers: 60-80cm. approx.
Width: Rounded 60-80cm. wide approx.
Bloom Season: Blooms during late spring, summer and into early autumn.
Fragrance: Flowers, foliage and stems are delightfully perfumed with the rich scent of lavender. With the foliage of ‘Pretty Polly’ being particularly aromatic.
Cut flowers: Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ flowers make excellent cut flowers for fresh vases or dried purposes. Because of their pretty colour combination and long-lasting quality.
Where to plant
Position: Full sun.
Enjoys windy, exposed locations and thrives on heat. But is also tolerant of cold.
Suitable for coastal planting.
Well suited to pots.
Water: Water-wise. Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ only requires occasional, minimal to average garden watering. Do not overwater or keep it wet.
Frost: Usually tolerates frost down to approx. minus 10-15 °C, depending on conditions.
Best in a well-drained and well aired position.
Soil: Prefers soils that have very good drainage. Appreciates sandy, gravel or rocky soils. Heavy clay or boggy soils can be fatal unless the plant is planted in a raised position.
Growth: Evergreen. A naturally rounded and compact shrub when grown in preferred conditions.
Care & Maintenance: Easy care, low maintenance.
Pests & Diseases: Rarely troubled by pests or diseases.
Pruning: Accepts pruning well. Best to re-shape immediately after flowering.
Fertilizer: Do not over-fertilize. Quality fertilizer, such as Powerfeed, can be applied sparingly in spring. This plant is not a heavy feeder, and actually performs better if it is not over-fed.
We recommend to water in with Seasol at planting.
Container: Hardy, easy and ideal in a pot because it is a compact grower, and exceptionally fragrant.
Bees, Pests & Diseases
Bees, Birds & Pollinators: Bees and other beneficial pollinating insects find Lavender flowers a great source of nectar and sustenance.
Insect repellent: Flies, mosquitoes, moths and even midges are said to be deterred by the aroma of Lavender. It is an old country practice to rub your table and chairs with handfuls of foliage before dining outdoors. Or even rubbing Lavender on yourself to ward off insects. At the very least it smells delicious.
Rabbits & Deer Resistance: Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’ is not attractive to chewing pests because of the high concentration of essential oils in both flowers and foliage.
Pet Friendly: No known ill effects for pets.
Quarantine Restriction: None. Lavandula ‘Pretty Polly’, can be shipped to all states including WA and Tasmania. From Di’s Delightful Plants - one of Australia’s largest on-line nursery and mail order plant services.
Bulk Discount
If you buy 3-6 plants there will be a $0.50 discount per plant"
If you buy 7+ plants there will be a $1.00 discount per plant
Plants on Special are excluded